Welcome to Week 6 of the Fiesta de Azucar blog hop! By now, you are well on your way to stitching up a wonderful sugar skull wall hanging!
As you may be aware by now, the motifs, colors and designs on traditional sugar skulls represent those loved ones that are no longer with us. My block, Butterfly Dreams, is in tribute to my mother. She loved gardening, anything green and growing, and most especially butterflies. Mom, aka Dixie to her closest friends, was extremely proud of her southern heritage, of her family, and of her garden.
Several years ago, my parents relocated (for my mom, it was really more of a southern gal returning to her roots) to Tennessee, and not long after, they found their dream spot and built a house nestled in the woods, with more than enough room for her to indulge her green thumb and enjoy all of the wildlife. But of course, the butterflies didn't stay in the garden. Ok - the REAL butterflies did - but she brought their joy and bright colors inside with her.
Mom was an avid sewer and quilter - she quilted years before I even thought about quilting. But she always surrounded herself with her greatest passion - butterflies. Yep - there was an official butterfly crossing in her sewing room.
Admittedly, this passion made it SUPER EASY to figure out what to give her for birthdays, Mother's Day, and Christmas - butterflies. Butterfly pins. All kinds of butterfly pins. Big butterflies. Small butterflies. Glittery butterflies. Jeweled butterflies. I used to love going to antique markets, flea markets and garage sales, trying to find the most unique butterfly pins to add to her collection. Her collection grew to the point that she had two huge framed velvet boards so she could display them!
And when I say she had a passion for butterflies, it is not just a general statement. I remember driving with her one day, and a butterfly flew in front of the car and into the grill. She stopped the car and was heartbroken when the butterfly was a casualty of the encounter. She kept those that she found, carefully preserved in a tin to protect the delicate wings from harm. In fact, on the day of her passing, I went for a walk, and found my own winged beauty, no longer alive, but resting there on the side of road. It was like her final good bye to me.
So naturally, when it came time to create my sugar skull, I wanted to honor her memory and her passion. I included beautiful little butterflies, a dragonfly, and of course, lots of bright blooms and green leaves.
I hope you enjoy Butterfly Dreams and stitch up your own winged beauties and blooms to enjoy. You can find the pattern in my Craftsy shop here. And visit my website for more Tamarinis patterns!
If you've been "skulling" with us, your quilt could look like this so far:
Please visit all of the other designers' blogs to see the stories behind their designs and to get the links to their sugar skull patterns as well. And remember that Terri (Purple Moose Designs) and I will be offering two different border options to you at the end of the blog hop.
Beginning on July 1st through August 26th 2017 each designer will release their skull design. On September 2nd and September 9th there will be two border designs released. Here’s the schedule along with the participants and their blogs.
July 1st – Block 1 – Terri Sontra, Purple Moose Designs
July 8th – Block 2 – Joanne Hillestad, Fat Quarter Gypsy
July 15th – Block 3 – Vicki Hansen, Cranberry Pie Designs
July 22nd – Block 4 – Cheryl Sleboda, Muppin
July 29th – Block 5 – Penni Domikis, Cabin In The Woods Quilters
August 5th – Block 6 – Tammy Silvers, Tamarinis
August 12th – Block 7 – Kate Colleran, Seams Like A Dream Quilt Designs
August 19th – Block 8 – Susan Emory, Swirly Girls Design
August 26th – Block 9 – Trish Frankland, Persimon Dreams
September 2nd – Border Option #1 – Tammy Silvers, Tamarinis
September 9th – Border Option #2 – Terri Sontra, Purple Moose Designs
October 30th – Prize winner announcements
Thanks for sharing the quilting passion with me. Happy stitching!
If you are interested in having me teach at your shop or guild, please contact me!
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