What would any road trip be without a little signage? As in - arrows, telling you where to go (or not go). Do you remember the days BEFORE GPS? Gosh, I do (ok, dating myself A LOT!).
I recall one fateful road trip with my daughter, pre GPS, that SEEMED like it should be a slam dunk. Uh huh. But perhaps not so much. One little missed turn, and that was all it took to turn a four hour trip into eight long, excruciating hours of "where am I" and then "when will we EVER get there" cries. We finally stumbled into our hotel room in the wee hours of the morning, and were able to catch just a few - and I do mean a few, as in three - hours of precious sleep before we had to be up and at the track meet. Needless to say, I LOVE my GPS now!
It was with GPS, road signs big and small, and roads busy and quiet, that the Road Less Traveled block was born. You'll be stitching up several different ones that will direct you across the surface of your quilt, and along your road trip.
Head over to Kate's blog for more info on the block, and to get the link to access your own block.
Shower us with pictures, folks! We want to see your blocks!
A couple of things to be aware of:
- You will be directed to my website OR to Kate's website to download your free block each week (remember that access expires one week from release!).
- So that we can support the downloads, they are products. What's the deal with that? Well, it means that you will need to put in your name and email address, so that the block download can be emailed to you. Without that step, if you ran into a problem with a download, we could not troubleshoot because we wouldn't have any info to follow. Rest assured, we are NOT using your name/email for anything other than to send you the free block.
- Miss previous weeks' blocks? Not to worry! You can purchase previous weeks' blocks on my website or on Kate's website for $3.00 each.
When sharing pics of your blocks, please don't forget to tag Kate (@seamslikeadreamquilts) and I (@tamarinis) and use the hashtags #adventurequiltalong, #fatquarterquilt, and #aroadtripquilt so that we will see your amazing progress.
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