Right Sides Together:
Right sides together refers to fabric placement for piecing. The "right side" of the fabric is the printed side of the fabric. It is almost always the most vibrant, the most colorful, and has the clearest impression or printing of the motifs or designs.
You want to place fabrics right side together when sewing so that when stitched and pressed, the seam is on the WRONG side.
Rotary cutters require mats and rotary rulers to cut fabric accurately. Don't confuse rulers with rotary templates and tools.
Templates for use with rotary cutters are usually made from the same thicker acrylic but have specific shapes (circles, hexagons, leaves) and usually are only for a single size.
Tools, such as those from the fabo folks at Studio 180, look SIMILAR to rulers, but they are not for cutting strips and squares, but instead for trimming down shapes and blocks to the appropriate size. While they often have lines (just like rulers do!), this separates them from templates because those lines enable the tool to be used to create multiple sizes of the same block.
Rulers come in multiple sizes and shapes, most frequently rectangles (long, for cutting strips) and square (for cutting - oh wait! - squares) and trimming blocks. Rulers will have lines, usually at the 1", 1/4" and sometimes at the 1/8" points.
What's your favorite ruler?
Head over to Kate's blog to get her insights on more "R" quilting terms!
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