Well, hello! I'm so glad you dropped by! Today is the first day of the Savannah Blog Hop, and I think you are going to find inspiration and future projects - because I have thirteen other designers joining me to showcase my newest Island Batik line, Savannah.
As the name suggests, it is inspired by the beauty and history of one of my favorite Georgia cities, Savannah. Want to know a little bit more about this lovely, moss covered southern beauty? Visit the History of Savannah website for a closer look!
I recently visited Savannah again with some gal pals, and fell in love all over again with this beautiful, historic, charming city.
I love the moss covered trees that line most of the streets downtown. Their soft gray flowing tendrils sway in the ocean breeze, and remind me of fraying lace.
In the historic district, the houses are close together, and right on the street. You can stroll through the neighborhoods on brick sidewalks and get a close up glimpse of history, color and elegance.
But I am especially fond of the wonderfully detailed iron and wood railings on many of the historic homes. It was this craftsmanship that inspired the new fabric line, Savannah, that I am about to share with you!
Getting a feel for the lovely town of Savannah? Good! Let's look at the fabric that this wonderful place inspired. Introducing (drum roll please!) my newest Island Batik line, Savannah.
If you look closely at the fabrics, you'll see their echo of the lovely railings that adorn historic homes. The colors reflect the beautiful range of stucco, brick and clapboard homes too.
And I'm excited to share the creative work of thirteen other designers as well! Some stitched up quilts and projects using the fabrics, and many have created some digital images, all colored in the new Savannah line, which is shipping to stores as we speak!
I stitched up two sweet little projects in Savannah. The first is an old favorite of mine, Confetti. It is an easy paper pieced pattern - but I'm current working on converting it over to a Studio 180 Friendly pattern. Can you S180 fans guess which tool? Yup - V Block! So look for it soon in it's revised version!
The second project is The Pointy End, a 2 1/2" strip friendly pattern that uses my FAV technique - guided improv! This was a fun project to stitch up. I love guided improv, because, well, it's improv. And this particular project had no points to match, so there is NO messing it up! And it was inspired by a line from one of my favorite series, Game of Thrones. Arya, when learning swordsmanship, was told to "stick 'em with the pointy end". And that stuck with me!
So those are MY Savannah projects. But there's so much more to see! Please visit the other designers this week and see what fabulous projects they have in store for you.
Designer Line Up (click on each of the links to visit their blog):
6/27 Tamarinis Tamarinis Blog
Swan Amity https://swanamity.com/blog
Faith and Fabric https://faithandfabricdesign.com/2022/06/savannah-fabrics-by-tamarinis-for-island-batik.html
6/28 True Blue Quilts https://truebluequilts.com/savannah-collection-starburst-pillow/
Sew Joy Creations https://www.sewjoycreations.com/2022/06/savannah-island-batik-fabric-blog-hop.html
Said With Love https://saidwithlove.com.au/savannah-island-batiks/
6/29 Studio R Quilts https://studiorquilts.com/blog
Dragonfly's Quilting Design Studio https://view.flodesk.com/emails/626c8eb7047591650544e8d6
6/30 Kate Colleran Designs https://katecollerandesigns.com/savannah-blog-hop-new-fabric-new-quilt-pattern/
Quilt Blox https://quiltblox/blog
Sunflower Quilting https://sunflowerstitcheries.com/savannah-blog-hop/
7/1 Slice of Pi Quilting https://www.sliceofpiquilts.com/2022/06/flutterfly-in-savannah-batiks.html
Masterpiece Quilting https://masterpiecequilting.blogspot.com
Quilter's Treasure Chest https://www.quilterstreasurechest.com/blog---raijas-bits-and-pieces
Inspired? Great! Be sure to visit my Instagram feed on July 7th. Many of the same designers are participating in a fun little IG hop - and a little birdie told me there would be prizes! Woot woot!
Like what you see here, and want to hear more from Tamarinis?
Like me on Facebook, follow me on Instagram, and sign up for my newsletter at www.tamarinis.com! PS - I'm trying to get to the next milestone number on Facebook and Instagram (I am trying to get 3000+ followers) and would REALLY appreciate your help - so please click and follow! Thanks so much!
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